starlet sitting with their legs bent, doing a peace sign


various writings of mine. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i dabble in it.

if you have thoughts about my work, feel free to let me know through my guestbook, neocities comments, or email. i'd love to hear your thoughts.

muse ariadne

my responses to muse ariadne prompts can be found here


the line between prose and poetry is blurry for me – some of these are more like prose poems than actual prose. for me, prose is just most things i write without the intention of being poetry, even if they have a similar flow.

  • xanax march 19, 2024
    random drabble. written haphazardly in 15 minutes
    content warning: meds, vaping

  • Cybercare may-june 2023
    something i wrote for a school assignment. setting is an adaptation of a personal worldbuilding thing, to fit the assignment.


  • are you paying attention? august 31, 2024
    poem of sorts, i guess. i didn't put that much thought into it.
    not completely the intention, but those with panic or anxiety related issues may be sensitive towards how i wrote this.

  • eternity may 30, 2024
    random thing i wrote quickly in ten minutes. not completely sure what i was going for