2024 reading log


cover of 'she gets the girl'

she gets the girl by rachael lippincott & alyson derrick


enjoyed this book for sure. i feel like some plot points were underdeveloped, and i feel like the ending was a bit too fast-paced. was still overall a fun read though


cover of 'as i lay dying'

as i lay dying by william faulkner


had to read this book for school.

wasn't really enjoyable for me. the stream of consciousness style writing is cool in theory, but i feel like the way it was executed made the book really hard to read – especially with the type of language faulkner uses. definitely has interesting themes, though.

in terms of characters, i liked cash and vardaman in particular. dewey dell deserved better, and anse is a piece of shit father


cover of the left hand of darkness

the left hand of darkness by ursula k. le guin


bookbug read. more info here


cover of Strangers on a Train

strangers on a train by patricia highsmith


bookbug read. more info here

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