starlet sitting with their legs bent, doing a peace sign


various melodic sounds i make
music player is 8sumint's supermeowplayer.

most of my music is made with lmms
betcha can't guess what my favorite instrument is


"finished" pieces

actual "finished" stuff

  • moonrise
    may 2022, with a bit of reworking after

    one of my favorites

  • traffic lights
    november-ish 2021

    the abrupt end is intentional

  • it's raining somewhere else (lo-fi remix)
    october-ish 2021

    one of my first experiences with music production, made on garageband – the vocals were taken from ateotu's cover. i just EQed the shit out of it and then added reverb, drums, and piano
    even now i think it's pretty decent!

"mini songs"

mostly just me fucking around, generally <1 minute

  • untitled ("weird piano")
    february 16, 2024

    was going for the vibe of somebody improvising on the piano with no particular direction

  • untitled ("piano")
    february 16, 2024

    fucking around with too many layered melodies, like i used to do on chrome music lab

  • boincy
    february 2023


my beepbox music can be found here


just utau stuff for now. not sure if i'll do any vocal / instrumental covers


  • your reality
    january 2024
    voicebank: yami ryone

    first try at doing stuff with an english utau. came out pretty good honestly