happy new year's (and some movie reviews)

Jan 26, 2024

happy new years! nothing's really changed so far. i had my birthday earlier this month, which is fun, i guess

i haven't really got any resolutions, just trying to make it through the year. i do wanna read at least 6 books outside of school - i haven't really been reading much. i finished "she gets the girl" this month, was a pretty nice book i think. next year if things go well i'll be moving to the US for school, and i've got friends there so that'll be really nice for me

i travelled to australia for winter break to visit family. i've never been so it was new, i saw some cool birds that i haven't seen before. also the first few days there were surprisingly cold considering it's meant to be summer over there. i REALLY do not do good on long plane flights though so it was quite the struggle for me. i was more prepared on the flight back though (downloaded some movies)

speaking of movies, i watched quite a few recently. let me talk about them a bit


i'm not really a movie critic. my only metric for how good a movie is is whether i enjoyed watching it, and i can usually find something to enjoy about most movies.


i didn't find this movie terrible while watching it, but in retrospect it definitely could be a lot better. the animation was good though, as expected of a big animation studio.


watched this one in a theater. enjoyed this quite a bit! a lot of the plot beats were pretty cliche but i don't really see that as a major flaw. it feels like too touching of a story for a character like willy wonka but as a standalone thing it was a good watch.


watched in a theater also. good lord i did NOT like this one. actively gave me motion sickness and the plot just wasn't enjoyable for me.

spiderverse 1 + 2

i actually hadn't watched the spiderverse movies before. i watched the first one on the plane there (the airplane headphones were so shitty i could barely understand anything PLUS they didn't have english subtitles) and i downloaded the second one to watch on the way back. really enjoyed em, the animation is great and i'm super fond of the characters.

kase-san and morning glories

my friend recommended this ova to me. this was a pretty cute thing, more on the lighthearted side and nice and fluffy. definitely enjoyed

i haven't really got much to talk about. i was gonna write this earlier but school and shit got in the way for a bit. oh well

until next time